2013年7月2日 星期二

英文慣用語第三集時間 PART II 7-2-2013 二


英文慣用語第三集時間 PART II



Box 5有關 Hours minutes and seconds的慣用語
1. After hours:下班後,在規定時間後,營業時間後。
1. The landlord was fined for allowing people to drink after hours.
2. Staff must stay behind after hours to catch up on their work.
3. An enlisted man who handles his unit's administrative matters
   after hours.
4. Provide after hours technical service nights weekends and holidays through a rotating on-call basis as directed by the supervisor.
2. On the hour: 點地
I have to take this medicine every hour on the hour.
I expect to see you there on the hour, not one minute before and not one minute after.
The bus runs from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., every hour on the hour.
3.  the small hours (of the night) the wee hours (of the night)淩晨=the hours immediately after midnight.
1. They launched their attack in the small hours of April 3.
2. He was so engrossed in his work that he frequently stayed up until
   the small hours.
3. We used to talk into the small hours.
4. There we were bopping away till the small hours.
5. The dance went on into the small hours of the night.
6. Jim goes to bed in the wee hours and gets up at lunchtime.
4. At the Eleventh hour: 最後時刻;
   zero hour關鍵性或者決定性時刻。
1. I thought I had lost out because I didn't hear from the company after my interview. But at the eleventh hour, when I was packing to go back home, they called and said they wanted to hire me.
1. 起先我以為我已經失去機會了,因為我在面談之後一直沒聽到公司方面的回音。但是直到我在整理行裝準備回家的最後一刻,他們才打電話來說想要雇用我。
2. Look, it's the eleventh hour for getting this contract signed! If we don't deliver it to the customer by ten am tomorrow, we lose the whole deal, so we'll work all night if we have to.
2. 看,現在已經到了簽訂這份合同的最後時刻了。如果我們不能在明天早上十點以前把合同發送給顧客的話,那這筆生意就全丟了,所以必要的話我們開夜車也得把合同趕寫出來。
3. All the waiting is over it's zero hour for the game we're all waiting for, the players are out on the court and the referee is ready to throw the ball up and start the game.
3. 一切等待終於結束。我們盼到了久久等候的這場關鍵性的比賽。球員們都已經在場上,裁判正要拋起球來準備開場。

5. at the top of the hour.

   at the bottom of the hour.

Fig. on the half hour; the opposite of at the top of the hour. (Alludes to the big hand of a clock pointing to the 6. Typically heard on television or the radio.)
Top of the hour 整點時。Bottom of the hour半點時。指鐘錶上分針走到最上端 (top) 及最下端 (bottom) 的時候。
1. Hear the news headlines at the bottom of the hour.
2. We will have an interview with Harry Kravitz at the bottom of the hour.
6. Witching hour: 午夜時分
11. Don't let your daughter go out the witching hour for her safety sake.
2. The party began at11 o'clock hour the witching hour the old year ended the new began.
3. Drive extra defensively around the witching hour , after midnight when some people are leaving bars , parties or sports arenas
7. banker's hours指特別安逸舒適的工作
Fig. short work hours: 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
1. When did you start keeping banker's hours?
2. There aren't many bankers who keep banker's hours these days.
3. Joe, come on and get out of bed! You won't be working banker's hours, you know - you've got to be there bright and early at seven am ready to pump gas for the customers.
他說:Joe 快快起床! 要知道你幹的活兒可沒那麼輕鬆自在。每天一早七點你就得精神飽滿地在那兒給顧客加油了。
8. happy hour特指飲食店為了招徠顧客而減價供應飲料的時間。
The food in that new Italian restaurant across the street is pretty good, but business is slow. So they've started a happy hour in the hope people will stay on and order dinner.
9. darkest hour is just before the dawn破曉前是最黑暗的時刻。黎明前是最黑暗的时候。
A: I feel like giving up. I don't have a job, my boyfriend left me, and they're raising the rent for my apartment.
B: It's always darkest just before the dawn.
This world is just Awesome !.....The darkest hour is that before the dawn
10. by the hour按鐘點
It kept growing darker by the hour.
I have to take this medicine by the hour.
We became more anxious by the hour.
10. for hours on end連續幾個小時,連續不斷。
My brother plays computer games for hours on end.
We sat and waited in the emergency room for hours on end.
The children were happy to play video games for hours on end.
He used to roam the street for hours on end .   used to=過去常常
他過去常逛大街, 一逛就是幾個小時。
She could sometimes talk away for hours on end.
We studied for final exams for hours on end.
11. keep late hours晚睡
I'm always tired because I keep late hours.
If I didn't keep late hours, I wouldn't sleep so late in the morning.
1. New York minute:
A New York minute is the interval between a Manhattan traffic light changing to green and the guy behind you honking his car horn.
「紐約分鐘」,就是曼哈頓交通號誌由紅轉綠,而你後面駕駛人按喇叭轟你之間的時間。An extremely short period of time.
She’s living a New York minute.
她生活步調很快。 / 她是急驚風!
I would sell that car in a New York minute if the right offer came along.
2. last-minute person任何事情都要拖到最一分鐘才作的人
I don't want to be the last-minute person next time.
Last-minute person 專指那種任何事情都要拖到最一分鐘才作的人, 當然, 根據每個人混的程度之不同, 也有人被形容為 last-second person, 或是 last-hour person.這些都是用來形容那些喜歡臨時抱佛腳的人.
3. Give me ten more minutes.再給我十分鐘。
再給我十分鐘,"Give me another ten minutes"
         或是"Give me ten more minutes."
4. up to the minute最現代化的; 最新式的。
This report is up to the minute and fresh from the wire services.
An up-to-the-minute account of the riots. 關於騷亂的最新報導。
We work hard to bring you up-to-the-minute technology.
Her room was furnished with up-to-the-minute furniture.
The general lacked up-to-the-minute information at the crucial moment. 這位將軍在關鍵時刻缺少最新資訊。
That's about it for your up-to-the-minute weather report.
I want to hear some up-to-the-minute news on the hostage situation.
I just got an up-to-the-minute report on Tom's health.
5. at the last minute到最後一刻
Please don't make reservations at the last minute.
Why do you ask all your questions at the last minute?
I often scold them for doing things at the last minute.
He got cold feet at the last minute.
The team was behind, but at the last minute Sam saved the day with a touchdown. 這個隊落後了,但在最後時刻Sam底線得分轉敗為勝。
I volunteered to do a parachute jump to raise money for charity but I got cold feet at the last minute and didn't to through with it.
He let me down at the last minute and turned out to be a broken reed.
It is impossible to get by a foreign language exam by cramming at the last minute. 想要臨時抱佛腳來混過外語考試是不可能的。
They had cold feet at the last minute and refused to sell their house.
And at the last minute got cold feet huh?
But at the last minute Gates changed his mind announcing that he too would license java while also promising somewhat menacingly to "extend" it.
The prisoners' attempt to escape was foiled at the last minute when police received a tip-off.
6. Every minute counts分秒必爭。
Doctor, please try to get here quickly. Every minute counts.
When you take a test, you must work rapidly because every minute counts.
When you're trying to meet a deadline, every moment counts.
Questions , please .. every moment counts.
Yes , every minute counts , for the meeting is very important.
Each team covered a distance of 18 to 53 miles. every minute counted.
每個隊都要跑18 - 53英里的路程.分秒必爭呀!
7. just a minute稍等一下!
I'm almost done. I'll be there in just a minute! Could I have just a minute of your time?
Just a minute, you! Where are you going with my coat?
I'll be there in a second. I'll be with you in just a minute. I'm on the phone.
Are you ready to order or just a minute?
你們準備好了嗎? 還是要再等一會?
8. be a laugh a minute
You know what Mark's like - he's not exactly a laugh a minute.
A two-hour meeting with Nigel Owen? I bet that was fun.Oh, it was a laugh a minute.
9. There's one born every minute. 愚蠢的人太多了,總會有人上當的。
there's one ( a sucker) born every minute
(informal)there are many gullible people
愚人節(April Fool's Day)那天,好友 Jenner愚弄我失敗後,仍不甘休,她堅信一定可以找到一個愚弄我的方法。我勸她放棄,她卻說:There's one born every minute." 我聽後覺得一頭霧水,每分鐘都有一個人出生?問了Jenner才明白,這句話是一句慣用語意思是總會有人上當的
Bernard paid much more for his car than it is really worth—there's one born every minute!
伯納德付的錢遠遠超過這輛車的價值, 真是太蠢了!
He left a window open and then wondered why he'd been burgled! There's one born every minute, isn't there?
1. Split second: 一刹那、一瞬間
1. He froze for a split second, sucking in lung fulls of cold air.
吸進一大口冷空氣後, 他一瞬間凍僵了.
2. It all happened in a split second.
3. The cat disappeared in a split second.
4. For one split second I thought he was gone.
5. Every word spoken on the telephone every message sent covers the44,600 miles in a split second.
2. in (just) a second
1. I'll be there in a second. I'll be with you in just a minute. I'm on the phone.
2. Just a second we're not broken just bent

1. Bat/wink/twinkling of an eye: 轉眼間,一眨眼的時間
1. The mood of the crowd can change in the twinkling of an eye.
2. How time flies! Late spring has come in the twinkling of an eye.
3. The little boat shuttled into the reed marshes, and got rid of the
   enemy in the twinkling of an eye.
6. twinkling of an eye: 轉眼之間
2. Jiffy: 瞬間( jiff的名詞複數 )
1. Please wait half a jiffy. 請等片刻。
2. Lunch will be ready in a jiffy. 上就要吃飯了。
Two Ticks/ Jiffy / Two shakes均為─兩秒鐘/一會兒
AHello and welcome to Authentic Real English(實境英語), I'm A.
B: And I'm B So how are you today?
A: Two ticks...
B: What?
A: Give me two shakes, B, I just need to...
B: Eh? What's that?
A: I'll be with you in a jiffy...
B: Jiffy. 什麼是一個 jiffy? A, what are you talking about?
A: There, done now. I just needed to send a text.
B: But what were all those ticks and jiffys?
A: Ahh, and shakes?
B: Yes.
A: Well they're all expressions of time,
B. So they're ways of saying 'just a moment', or 'just a minute'.
B: I see. 這都是說一會兒”“稍等的意思。我們下面聽幾個例子。

A: Can you come and help me lift this sofa?
B: Yeah, I'll be with you in two ticks.

A: Two ticks. In English, we say clocks make this noise: tick tock, tick tock. So two ticks is just like saying two seconds.
B: 哦!我明白了,two ticks 字面意思也就是說兩秒鐘。

A: I said, can you come and help me here? It's too heavy for me.
B: Yes, yes. I'll be there in two shakes.

B: Two shakes 搖兩下?
How long is two shakes of a lamb's tail?
A: Yeah, the full phrase here is 'two shakes of a lamb's tail', but we shorten this to 'two shakes'.
B: 搖兩下羊的尾巴? 有時候英語的表達真是很奇怪!是不是?!
A: Yes, it can be! I guess that this is because lambs' tails shake very fast, so two shakes is a short time! And finally...

A: Look Neil, this sofa isn't going to lift itself. Get a move on!
B: I know, I know. I said I'll be with you in a jiffy.

B: In a jiffy. 那麼 in a jiffy 也是片刻的意思是不是?!但是什麼是 jiffy 呢?
A: Well, you know what, B? Nobody is completely sure of the origin of this word. But it has been in use for over 200 years!
B: 200 years! That's quite a long time. More than a jiffy!
A: Yes, and that's several billion shakes of a lamb's tail.
B: Yes and all those ticks of a clock! Bye for now.
A: Bye

Box 6:實境英語之二:
Joe: So, uh, how’s your day goin’?
Kristin: Oh, it could have started off better. Actually, I feel like I woke up on the
wrong side of the bed.
woke up on the wrong side of the bed: to feel a little angry at the start of the day
Joe: Why, what happened?
Kristin: Well, things were going okay. I mean I’d gotten the e-mails done. I’d gotten all the dishes done. Took a shower. Got ready to go. Um, but as usual, I was running against the clock, trying to, uh, get down and catch the train on time. running against the clock: to be late    get down: to go to
catch the train: to get on the train
Joe: Yeah.
Kristin: So, I got on the train. I go in the back like I usually do because I have a
pass. Sit down, we go one stop. We, we’re actually coming up to 18th, y’know, just the next stop. And I see the, the ticket checkers, for lack of a better word…
Joe: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I know who you’re talkin’ about.
pass: a ticket that allows you to ride the train
ticket checkers: people who make sure that you paid to ride the train
Kristin: People who are always checking for passes…

7. 時間飛逝(Time Flies).




我曾任教於陽明大學,是一名教生命科學教了快三十年的老師,許多內容,班班相同,年年流轉,教了快三十年早已深植腦海中。約8年前因病退出教壇後,發現有些生命科學的事已開始逐漸慢慢淡忘了,不由得想起麥克阿瑟將軍(General MacArthur)的名言“Old soldier never die, they just fade away.”目前唯一沒變的是對生命科學的喜好與熱誠,有靈感時塗塗鴉一些心得和網友們分享 這是Blogger的緣起。

