2013年3月7日 星期四

鴨嘴獸(Ornithorhynchus Anatinus)


鴨嘴獸(Ornithorhynchus Anatinus)





但其實是一種典型的鑲嵌動物(mosaic animal)

1. 卵生、卵裂為盤裂(meroblastic cleavage)、雄鴨嘴獸後肢靠近

   腳踝中空的距(hollow spur)具有毒腺→此為爬行動物之特


2. 無牙齒具有嘴喙(duck-billed)、具有泄殖腔(cloaca)→此為鳥類


3. 具有毛髮(fur)、乳腺(mammary glands)、能調節體溫→此為哺乳


    或者是說得更學術一點,鴨嘴獸是爬行類、鳥類、哺乳類之間的過渡型動物(transient animal)



1. 鴨嘴獸的受精卵為盤裂(meroblastic cleavage)是魚類(fish)、爬行類(reptiles)、鳥類(birds)動物之卵裂方式。哺乳類(Mammals)、兩棲類(Amphibians)為完全卵裂(Holoblastic cleavage)。

2. 鴨嘴獸具有毒腺能分泌毒液(venom)像爬行類;卵生像鳥類;哺乳(lactation)像哺乳類,是爬行類、鳥類、哺乳類之間的過渡型動物(transient animal)


3. 鴨嘴獸之嘴喙上有許多小孔,孔內具有兩種接受器:

1. 電流接受器(electroreceptors)─偵測牠所獵食的水中無脊椎動物幼蟲發出之微弱電流。

2. 機械接受器(mechanoreceptors)─偵測獵物引起的水波振動。



4. 鴨嘴獸的一些特徵。


5. 雄性鴨嘴獸有蹼後腿上具有毒腺﹐利用鋒利的刺將毒液注入獵物(prey)或是與其競爭的雄性鴨嘴獸體內。

    僅僅生活在澳洲東部(eastern Australia)的鴨嘴獸,是屬於哺乳綱單孔目的動物。

6. 深紫色標示的是鴨嘴獸的棲所(Habitat),鴨嘴獸在澳洲東部的河流、湖泊分佈範圍。






7. 自然科學博物館生命科學廳二樓展示櫥窗內的鴨嘴獸標本。




8. 鴨嘴獸喜歡在水邊築洞居住,白天都在洞中,傍晚到溪流或湖泊中覓食。有時會以泥土堵住洞口(d),以防天敵入侵。


澳發現絕跡新物種巨型鴨嘴獸 身長1公尺利齒可碎海龜


An artist's impression of the extinct platypus, which was one metre long and lived up to 15m years ago. Inset: scientists found the tooth embedded in limestone. Photograph: Guardian



澳洲昆士蘭省(Queensland)瑞弗斯雷(Riversleigh)化石地,因有豐富化石被列為世界遺產名錄,新南威爾斯大學教授阿契爾(Mike Archer)在當地發現一顆特殊又明確可辨的牙齒,透過辨識發現,是一種已絕跡的巨型鴨嘴獸,且是新物種,學名已被命名為Obdurodon tharalkooschild



Extinct 'Godzilla' platypus found in Australia

Sydney (AFP) - A giant extinct species of the platypus with powerful teeth has been discovered in Australia, with a scientist on Tuesday describing the duck-billed water animal as a "Godzilla" like monster.

The new species, named Obdurodon tharalkooschild, was identified by a single but highly distinctive tooth found in Riversleigh in the northeastern Australian state of Queensland -- a World Heritage site rich in fossil deposits.

"It pretty well blew our minds," University of New South Wales professor Mike Archer told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. of the animal, which is estimated to be about twice the size of the modern platypus.

"And then bang out of the blue drops this monster. Platypus Godzilla."

Scientists had thought that the platypus, which combines bird, mammal and reptile characteristics, had gradually lost its teeth and become smaller over millions of years, but the latest find contradicts that theory.

"We didn't expect this. It's a huge platypus at the wrong time. But there it was," said Archer of the one-metre (three foot) species.

The modern platypus, a timid and nocturnal animal which lives in deep waterside burrows and is found only in eastern Australia, lacks any teeth as an adult and the scientists do not believe the new extinct species was an immediate ancestor.

"Discovery of this new species was a shock to us because prior to this, the fossil record suggested that the evolutionary tree of platypuses was a relatively linear one," Archer explained in a statement.

"Now we realize that there were unanticipated side branches on this tree, some of which became gigantic."

Archer said he was confident that the single tooth, which was discovered by Rebecca Pian, a PhD candidate at Columbia University in the United States, was sufficient evidence of a new species.

"We know it's a platypus, we also know it's very different from any other toothed platypus we've seen before," he said.

Pian, the lead author of the research published in the US-based Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology, said any new species, even though incomplete, was an important aid in understanding more about the fascinating mammals.

The extinct species is believed to have been a mostly aquatic animal like its modern descendant and would have lived in and around freshwater pools in the forests that covered the Riversleigh area millions of years ago.

It probably fed on crayfish and other freshwater crustaceans, as well as small vertebrates such as frogs and turtles, said Suzanne Hand of UNSW's School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Archer said scientists already had concerns about the long-term viability of the platypus and the discovery only added to these.

"It only says that there were more kinds of platypus that are now gone," he said.

  • Environment
  • Living Nature
  • Australia




1 則留言:

  1. 請問鴨嘴獸有專門產生毒汁的毒腺嗎?因為我在台灣word資料裡看到「科學家發現,鴨嘴獸的毒汁其實來源十分簡單。它們沒有專門產生毒汁的毒腺,僅僅是體內產生的某種有毒蛋白質,存儲在後足的小刺里。」這段話,但這與你這篇文章「雄性鴨嘴獸有蹼後腿上具有毒腺」相違背,所以才有此一疑問。



我曾任教於陽明大學,是一名教生命科學教了快三十年的老師,許多內容,班班相同,年年流轉,教了快三十年早已深植腦海中。約8年前因病退出教壇後,發現有些生命科學的事已開始逐漸慢慢淡忘了,不由得想起麥克阿瑟將軍(General MacArthur)的名言“Old soldier never die, they just fade away.”目前唯一沒變的是對生命科學的喜好與熱誠,有靈感時塗塗鴉一些心得和網友們分享 這是Blogger的緣起。

